Quick Enquiry
Design & Construction For Diamond Light Source Beam Line I20

Key Facts
Client: Diamond Light Source
Consultant: Parsons Brinkerhoff
Architect: Parsons Brinkerhoff
Main contractor: Lowe & Oliver
Value: £874,000
Lowe and Oliver, as an approved frame work contractor were awarded the Beam Line I20 LOLA x-ray spectroscopy for the study of x-ray absorption, energy dispersive and X-ray emission spectroscopy.
Employed as the main contractor we were responsible for all works undertaken with the design and construction of the cabins, final finishes, complex electrical and mechanical services installations and the co-ordination between services and the structure.
Working to detailed design and elevation drawings multiple containment systems consisting of cable tray and trunking were installed to cater for the numerous cable systems required.
Connected to these containment systems conduit and dado trunking systems were installed to equipment locations.
The installed systems comprise lighting, small / large power, fire alarm, close mechanical services control systems, oxygen depletion, Beam Line alarm monitoring, clean earth, leak detection, interlocked personal access and blue lighting.
Due to its size and complexity the project was demanding in both terms of the technical nature, programme constraints and required a high level of close supervision and management with weekly project management meetings for reporting and programming purposes and resolution of technical issues.
Structural steel work
Lab line partition and ceiling systems
Demountable false ceilings
Specialised painted floor finishes
Vinyl floor coverings
Safety rail systems
Cat ladder access
Step over access
Raw cold water
Chilled water
Compressed air
Liquid nitrogen
Medical gases
COSHH extract vent systems
Close temperature control air conditioning
Air extract systems
Fan coil systems
Low voltage switch gear
Uni-strut support systems
Steel cable trunking and tray systems
Steel dado trunking
Small / large power systems
Oxygen depletion detection
Leak detection
Beam line alarm monitoring
Fire alarm
Emergency power off system
EMC earthing system
Blue warning light / personal safety systems