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Installation At Inkpen House, Nr Hungerford

Key Facts
Client: Mr. M. Van Oss
Consultant: Lowe & Oliver
Architect: M Van Oss Associates
Main contractor: RW Armstrong
Value: £100,000.00
This period Manor house that sits at the highest point within the village of Inken has been completely refurbished to a high standard but at the same time in keeping with the period of the property.
The existing installation was completely removed and new systems installed comprising of the installation of new sub-mains, voice and data cabling, power, fire alarms, lighting and localized dimming control and security systems together with audio and visual infrastructure. All works were designed and installed by Lowe & Oliver along side a specialist design team.
The final positioning of accessories, luminaries etc was agreed on a room by room basis as we worked along side the interior designer in order to perfect the installation.