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Photovoltaic (PV) Panel Installation & Maintenance.

Photovoltaic (Solar PV) panels are an effective and environmentally sustainable way of cutting your energy costs and reducing your dependence on mains electricity. Solar PV panels are not only an option for private households. They can also be installed as part of an electrical infrastructure at museums, public buildings, schools, universities, commercial buildings, factories etc.

At Lowe & Oliver we design, install and service solar PV systems from the world’s leading sustainable energy manufacturers. As MCS approved solar PV specialists, why not arrange an appointment so we can openly discuss the benefits of a PV system for your project.


How Solar PV Panels Work

PV solar panels produce electricity from daylight through a process called photovoltaic streaming. "Photo" refers to light and "voltaic" to electricity. Photons are converted to electrons - this energy is then transferred into your power supply. Any surplus energy produced can be sold back to the National Grid through the government’s Feed-In Tariff Scheme (FITS). Photons can penetrate clouds, allowing the system to generate electricity even on overcast days.


Energy & Carbon Savings

Solar panels allow you to save money on the cost of electricity and help reduce your carbon foot print at the same time.

The savings can be considerable – up to 1 tonne of CO2 a year.

A 2.2 kWp system can generate around 40% of a building's annual electricity needs. If the system is eligible to receive FITS payments it could generate savings and income of around £900 per year.


Feed-In Tariff Scheme (FITS)

The Feed-in Tariffs Scheme, launched in April 2010, pays up to 41p to Solar PV operators per kWh generated (subject to quarterly reviews of payment rates by Ofgem). To receive payment, your solar PV panels and installer must be registered under the Micro-Certification Scheme, which we are.


Find Out More

Please see below links to the Department of Energy & Climate Change for additional information.

Speak to us about how PV panels can help you slash your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. For full details and a competitive quote, send us a message through our contact form, or you can speak to someone at our Oxford office by calling 01865 322200, or our Southampton office by calling 02380 614700.  <


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